Rhinoplasty in Miami, FL

The nose is like the centerpiece of your face. When it is too small or too large, you feel self-conscious. If misshapen or deformed, it can also cause breathing issues. Board-certified plastic surgeon Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., helps Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and South Florida breathe easy with the commonly requested rhinoplasty.

What Is a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” is a very common procedure that reshapes the nose. Rhinoplasty works by reshaping the bone and cartilage.

What Can a Rhinoplasty Correct?

Rhinoplasty has a wide array of benefits for correcting many different issues from shape to function. Dr. Rubinstein routinely performs rhinoplasty to correct:
  • Enlarged nostrils
  • Misshapen nasal tip
  • Small or narrow nose
  • Misshapen nasal bridge
  • Reshape a nose after injury
  • Too large or too wide nasal bridge
  • Deviated septum or other breathing difficulties

What Should I Consider Before A Rhinoplasty?

For an optimal experience, you must have proper expectations for how many different factors including your bone structure, tissue thickness, and individual healing process affect your final outcome. To avoid disappointment, keep in mind that technical limitation due to overall shape and size of the nose, impact what can be done to correct the nose. Additional “touch-up” surgeries may be used to continue progress without hindering the primary function of your nose, breathing. You must also remember that patience is an important part of healing when you choose rhinoplasty as your cosmetic surgery solutions. Although some of the progress is immediately noticeable, your final results after rhinoplasty may not be visible for up to six years following surgery.

What Is the Procedure Like?

Depending on the complexity of your particular surgery, Dr. Rubinstein will recommend full general anesthesia or moderate sedation with a local anesthetic. In either case, you do not feel pain during the procedure. The two to three hour procedure involves Dr. Rubinstein making small, scarless incisions and skillfully reshaping your nose by adjusting the bone structure and cartilage. You will likely be required to wear nasal splints on the outside of your nose and soft “packs” inside your nose to protect the new shape until it sets. You will need a ride home after you awake from surgery and possibly a little help around the house for one to two days.

How Long Is Recovery After Rhinoplasty?

Recovery from the rhinoplasty procedure usually takes about two weeks. The first 24 hours after surgery you will feel general pain and soreness around your nose, eyes, and forehead. Your face and eyes may be a little swollen or puffy. As a natural and expected part of healing, Dr. Rubinstein prescribes medication to help alleviate this discomfort. Ice packs applied gently to your face reduce swelling, but bruising will get worse before it gets better. The nasal packaging inserted in your nose to set the new shape is removed after a few days. Your nose will continue to feel stuffy for up to three weeks after surgery. External bandages, splints, and stitches are removed by Dr. Rubinstein in your two-week follow-up appointment. Throughout the healing process, Dr. Rubinstein will talk to you about your full recovery plan and next steps towards achieving the final results.

What Does Rhinoplasty Cost in Miami, FL?

Rhinoplasty is generally considered to be an elective procedure, so most insurance providers do not cover the cost. To help make rhinoplasty affordable and accessible to anyone in South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami desiring a change, convenient financing options are available. The office of Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., also accepts cash, personal check, and major credit cards. Take the first step in achieving the results you always wanted with a rhinoplasty performed by Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., a board-certified plastic surgeon serving members of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and other South Florida communities. A friendly member of the Aventura, FL office is available by phone to schedule your consultation. Contact us today!