Breast implants that is… If you have heard any news at all about breast implants in the last few years the term “gummy bear” has probably been associated with them. These gummy bear implants are all the rage. They promise…
Lifestyle Lift, One Size Never Fits All
You’ve probably heard the radio ads or seen the TV commercials for the Lifestyle Lift. I’ve seen them myself – ads promising a revolutionary one hour procedure that is done under local anesthesia and gets you back to work as…
Can Chin Ups Really Lift Your Chin?
You spare no expense in buying the latest anti-aging creams and undergoing a variety of treatments. You love staying up-to-date on the latest anti-aging innovations, and there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to shave five or even ten years off your…
Jewel Plants a Flower for Breast Cancer Awareness
In a couple days I will be attending the national meeting of the American Society for Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). While there a special fundraising event will be held featuring the recording artist, Jewel. You may know that October is breast…
Fade to Brown: Hyperpigmentation
Here in Miami the sun is one of our best assets. Warm weather, bright sunny days, year round tans… But it’s also one of the biggest threats to skin health. Besides causing sun burns, those golden rays are responsible for…
Russian Roulette? Strax Rejuvenation
Patients seeking bargain pricing for their plastic surgery have been going to Strax Rejuvenation for years as the cheapest option in town. Strax commonly advertises very low prices to lure patients for their procedures. Recently, patients are learning that the…
Tips on Switching Your Aesthetic Routine, Courtesy of Allergan Inc.
Juvederm is one of the most popular wrinkle fillers available today. Here in Aventura, Florida, Dr. Rubinstein frequently uses Juvederm on patients who want to reduce the appearance of the nasolabial folds, the “smile lines” that travel from the nose…
Non-Surgical Treatments Rise in 2009 Despite Economy
According to figures from the annual survey conducted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, non-surgical procedures are still on the rise despite the uncertain economy of 2009. Treatment with Botulinum Toxin type A – commonly known as Botox…
Mini-facelift or full Facelift: Make the right choice!
Mini-facelifts have grown popular due to a lot of advertising by some of the franchise facelift businesses. There are lots of different types of these operations, but they’re all variations of the same basic principle. The most well known example…
Help for PIP Implant Victims
The scandal surrounding PIP implants has become a top story worldwide. Since the news broke about substandard industrial silicone being used in PIP implants there has been a cascade of reactions from governments around the world. Some countries are providing…