When you think of body contouring and choosing the right procedure, the following guideline will be helpful. Liposuction is excellent for removing excess fat and sculpting body shape but does nothing about excess skin. In some patients, especially those with poor skin elasticity, liposuction may actually leave you with more hanging skin once the fat is removed. A tummy tuck removes the loose and hanging excess skin and fat together but will not remove fat in areas where skin is not being removed. It is very common for the liposuction and tummy tuck surgery to be combined; plastic surgeons call this procedure lipo-abdominoplasty. After pregnancy or significant weight loss, women often have a combination of excess and loose skin from the pregnancy as well as some excess fat that could not be shed after the baby. In most cases, a combined liposuction and tummy tuck will give the best result. As always, we recommend seeing a board certified plastic surgeon for your body contouring procedure.
Results of rhinoplasty can be unpredictable for some patients; that’s why a few plastic surgeons have turned to injectable fillers for correction of minor imperfections that are sometimes present after the operation. An article that recently appeared in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal discussed the potential risks and benefits of this procedure, finding that dermal fillers may not be a substitute for rhinoplasty (nose surgery) but they can provide limited improvements around the top and sides of the nose. Non-surgical reshaping of the nose would be appealing to many patients and surgeons, allowing correction, “without the expense, anesthetic risk, or recovery downtime involved with additional surgery,” said Steven Dayan MD, one of the authors of the article. However, there is significant potential for future complications or unsatisfactory results, so choosing a surgeon with relevant experience in this area is crucial.
If you’ve always wanted longer, darker, and thicker eyelashes, but don’t love how fake eyelashes look… then we have a solution for you! It’s called Latisse – and its a prescription-only solution to getting the beautiful eyelashes of your dreams! Check out some of the results: Now through April 30th, 2011, we’re offering a special on Latisse: Buy 1 Get 1 Free! If you have questions, just give my office a call – 305-792-7575. Otherwise, you can order by clicking on the “Order Now” Button Below!
If you’ve decided to enlarge your breasts through cosmetic surgery, then congratulations! It takes plenty of courage and determination to take such an important step towards the body you’ve always dreamed about. It’s no secret that for many women, their breasts can often be their greatest source of confidence – and insecurity. With common breast complaints ranging from uneven shapes, sagging, loss of firmness and lack of size, it’s no wonder that breast enlargement (also known as breast augmentation) has been the most popular cosmetic surgery in the US for over a decade. Despite the procedure’s popularity, many women still feel in the dark about what the breast enlargement process entails. How do you know if it’s the right procedure for you? How can you determine your ideal breast size and shape? How long is the recovery process? And most importantly, how can you choose a plastic surgeon who’s renowned for unparalleled success with breast augmentation procedures? Simple: you can follow these steps to choose the ideal plastic surgery that will give you the confidence to show your new shape off!
First, it’s important for your plastic surgeon to understand the exact look that you want from your breast augmentation procedure. While many people think that breast enlargement results in so-called “watermelon-shaped” breasts, the truth is that there is a variety of different shapes and sizes to choose from. Based on your desired look, your plastic surgeon will help you to select the right saline or silicone implants.
For women who suffer from sagging breasts due to pregnancy or age, a breast lift can also be performed in conjunction with augmentation. The restores the breasts’ natural shape and size, and can shave years off of a patient’s appearance.
The procedure itself will be performed in a plastic surgery outpatient center; however, some surgeons may choose to perform the procedure in a hospital. General anesthesia will be used during the procedure, while a local anesthesia will be applied afterwards to reduce any pain and discomfort when the patient awakens. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will make incisions around the breast, under the armpit and around the nipple. Once the silicone or saline implant has been inserted, the surgeon will stitch the breast area back up and wrap the breast area up in a bandage dressing. The procedure itself takes approximately one to two hours, and the majority of patients leave the outpatient center after just a few hours.
You may experience swelling and bruising after the surgery; however, recovery time generally takes three to four weeks. During this time, it’s best to sleep on your back, and avoid any rigorous activity until four weeks after the surgery.
Like with all surgeries, there are some risks associated with breast enlargement. The right Miami plastic surgeon will be happy to talk you through these risks, and will examine your healthy history to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for the breast enlargement procedure. Now that you know what to expect from the breast enlargement procedure, isn’t it time you got the body confidence you deserve?
Your face is the first thing that people see – and it’s often the picture that remains with them long after you’ve met. And if you feel that your nose detracts from your other great facial qualities, then it’s time to consider reclaiming your confidence with rhinoplasty. If you’ve never heard of rhinoplasty before, then you’ve probably heard of it under it’s more common name: a nose job. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures performed by Miami cosmetic surgeons, and proves to be popular across the country as well. After all, this procedure doesn’t just reshape the nose – it can balance your facial proportions and highlight other beautiful facial features that had been previously overshadowed. In fact, many patients report feeling much more confident in their appearance after a rhinoplasty procedure – and this confidence resonates in both their professional and personal lives. If you’re interested in undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure, what should you expect from the procedure itself? Miami cosmetic surgeon Dr. Adam Rubinstein reveals what you need to know:
Apart from a general unhappiness with your nose, how else can you determine if you’re an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty? Look at the following descriptions to see if any of them apply to you: You feel that your nose is too wide, large, small or narrow; you’re unhappy with a bump on the bridge of your nose; you want to fix a deviated septum in order to improve your breathing; and you wish to restore your nose after receiving an injury.
The procedure is typically performed within a cosmetic surgery center; however, your cosmetic surgeon may choose to perform the procedure at a hospital instead. Depending on what needs to be done during the surgery, your cosmetic surgeon will either use local or general anesthesia to reduce any pain and discomfort during the procedure. During the short operation (most rhinoplasty procedures take one to two hours), the surgeon will make small incisions into the nose and reshape the cartilage to the desired appearance. Patients may leave a few hours after the surgery has completed; however, most cosmetic surgeons recommend having a friend or family member drive you home and help you around the house for a couple of days.
Recovery time can vary from patient to patient. You’ll be expected to wear a splint, which helps to maintain the shape of the nose. You’ll also be required to wear nose packing on the first night after the surgery; however, this is removed the next day, with the splint following after one to two weeks. Swelling and bruising may occur during the recovery period, in which case you can use a cold compress to reduce any swelling. The final results of the rhinoplasty can take some time to see – in fact, some patients report having to wait an entire year before seeing the desired result. However, the majority of patients are thrilled with their rhinoplasty results, and enjoy the newfound confidence they experience with their new nose.
Just a couple days ago the FDA issued a notice explaining that there may be an association between breast implants and a very rare condition call ALCL. This condition, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, is extremely rare. In looking at the population of women with breast implants the FDA feels there may be a slightly higher risk of the occurrence of this problem. Lets look at the numbers. The FDA has identified between 34 (in the USA) and 60 (worldwide) cases of ALCL in patients with breast implants. There are as many as 10 million women with breast implants worldwide. That means at worst there ALCL is currently reported in approximately one out of every 165,000 women with breast implants. To illustrate how rare that really is here are some stats that I found: Source: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_385745.html
Odds of fatally slipping in the bath or shower: 1 in 2,232
Odds of dying from a car accident: 1 in 18,585
Odds of injury from fireworks: 1 in 19,556
Odds of injury from shaving: 1 in 6,585
Odds of dying from any kind of fall: 1 in 20,666
All of these far more likely than having breast implants and getting diagnosed with ALCL.
It is important to note that this disease is NOT breast cancer. In the cases identified by the FDA ALCL seems to have been found in the fluid and tissue that surround the implants, not in the breast tissue itself. This finding includes all types of breast implants, both saline and silicone filled. The FDA has partnered with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to create a breast implant registry. The registry will be used to track cases of ALCL in women with breast implants. Currently the FDA still finds breast implants safe to use. No restrictions nor cautions have been issued regarding the use of breast implants. Breast implants are still considered safe to use by the FDA.
Recently in South Florida there has been a tragedy. Hoping to improve the appearance of her buttocks Lidvian Zelaya, a 35 year old woman from Miami, went to Strax Rejuvenation and Aesthetics Institute for liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks. She chose the center based upon price, she thought she was getting a bargain. She ended up paying the ultimate price. On December 27th, 2010 Mrs. Zelaya suffered complications during surgery and was transferred to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. She went to a large center where lots of procedures are done everyday. Her surgeon was board certified in plastic surgery. One would think she had made good choices. Had she done a little homework she might be with us today. She was quoted a price of $4500 for liposuction and fat transfer. While this is a very good price, one has to be suspicious of pricing that is WAY less than other qualified surgeons are charging. And then there is the surgeon. Strax did not release the name of the surgeon, though the lawyer for Mrs. Zalaya’s husband claims the surgeon was Dr. Roger L. Gordon. While he is, in fact, board certified, a quick perusal of the Florida Board of Medicine might have changed her mind about her choices. Dr. Gordon has multiple complaints and disciplinary charges filed against him. Looking at county records there have also been legal actions involving Dr. Gordon. A little homework may have helped avert this terrible tragedy. If you are considering have a procedure soon, take time and investigate your options well. Search the American Board of Plastic Surgery website to confirm the doctor is properly certified. Check the state board of medicine website to see if his/her license is clear and if there are any disciplinary actions on record. You can also look up the doctor in your county records website to see if the doctor has been named in legal actions in the past. A little diligence may go a long way in keeping you safe!
I recently had a patient that was scheduled for a couple of procedures. When her day of surgery arrived everything was moving along as usual until she was being placed under anesthesia. The anesthesiologist could not easily place her breathing tube. After some very careful attempts without success the procedure was cancelled. We later discovered that this patient had a rare problem in her trachea (windpipe) which made it very difficult to fit the breathing tube for surgery. Posed with this problem we had to come up with a solution. After considering all the options we chose to do perform a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) without general anesthesia. Instead, we used spinal/epidural anesthesia. This is same kind of anesthesia used for delivering babies. It allows for the patient to be fully awake but not feel anything in the area of surgery. The operation went very well and the patient was completely comfortable throughout the process. Spinal/epidural anesthesia has some advantages over general anesthesia. Many patients fear “going to sleep” which is not necessary with spinal/epidural anesthesia. Since you don’t “go to sleep” there is no waking up so the immediate recovery part is a little easier. Also, the types of medications used are very different. Unlike general anesthesia, spinal/epidural anesthesia has very little chance of causing nausea. However, some patients may have a headache with spinal/epidural anesthesia which is less common with general anesthesia. All things considered, my patient had a great experience. And so did I. I am always looking for new ways to help my patients have a comfortable experience with surgery. I am definitely adding spinal/epidural anesthesia as a choice for my patients having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). If you are considering this procedure you might want to consider this option yourself.
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