So many of us struggle with diet and exercise to achieve our dream body. The ups and downs can make anyone feel discouraged, even hopeless. The great news is that the body you have always dreamed of is still achievable! Whether your goal is a dramatic transformation or more subtle changes, you still have options when diet and exercise aren’t cutting it. Liposuction and
CoolSculpting® are two top procedures that patients often choose to achieve their desired results. While a consultation in my office will best help you decide which is right for you, there are some key differences to understand about each procedure. To get you get started and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have about body sculpting, I’ve summarized the key differences between Liposuction and CoolSculpting®:
Liposuction 101
Liposuction is an outpatient surgical procedure, usually performed in a hospital or office based surgical suite. First, a small incision is made in the desired treatment area (most commonly the belly, legs, back or neck). A really thin tube is inserted into the fatty area and is used to put numbing fluid throughout the entire area to be suctioned. Then a slightly larger cannula is used to remove the unwanted fat. This is done very carefully and artistically to create a natural contour. This procedure is recommended for patients with a visible amount of unwanted fat and for whom diet and exercise are not effective. The following checklist may help you decide if liposuction is right for you:
- I have a large amount of unwanted fat I need to remove, and diet and exercise alone have not been able to resolve it.
- I want bold, substantial results, but have realistic expectations for what my liposuction procedure can accomplish.
- I am in overall good health and have ample time to set aside for recovery from surgery.
- I understand that even with liposuction, results are not immediate.
If you have identified with all of these, liposuction may be the right procedure. Call my office today to get your body transformation started. If you do not identify with the above but still want to transform your body, then keep reading to learn about CoolSculpting®!
CoolSculpting® 101
CoolSculpting® is a great option for patients who want to sculpt their body, but don’t have time for invasive surgery recovery. If you want more subtle results this non-invasive, non-surgical procedure may be exactly the solution you need. CoolSculpting® works by rupturing fat cells by freezing them. A hand-held device is pressed against the skin in the desired treatment area (abdomen, flank/side, inner thigh, outer thigh, double chin). Skin and fat are pulled into the treatment head, called an applicator. Then the tissue in the applicator is cooled down to near freezing temperatures. The cold temperature does not impact your skin, but the fat cells beneath the skin’s surface rupture and are expelled from the body in time. The procedure causes little to no discomfort because the cooling serves as a natural numbing mechanism. Results begin to take full effect within four to six weeks of treatment and are fully seen 3-4 months later. Though this process cannot provide results as dramatic as liposuction, it is an excellent option for many patients. To help assess if CoolSculpting® is right for you, review the checklist below:
- My body sculpting goals are to achieve subtle, natural-looking results that diet and exercise alone cannot achieve.
- I have realistic expectations for what my CoolSculpting® procedure can accomplish.
- I want a non-invasive procedure that can be completed quickly without downtime needed for recovery.
- I understand that CoolSculpting® results are not immediate and can take up to four months.
If you identify with the checklist above, CoolSculpting® may be the right procedure to help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted. Schedule your consultation in my office today.
If you still have lingering questions about liposuction and CoolSculpting®, it is always best to consult a board certified plastic surgeon before committing to a particular procedure. Both options can produce significant results and, depending on your unique goals, I will provide the best plan to achieve them. Even if you have decided on a procedure, your consultation is an excellent opportunity to review your detailed medical history and customize the experience with me. The body you’ve always wanted is possible; liposuction and CoolSculpting® can help make it a reality!
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