Patients choose to have plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures for lots of reasons. All of them very personal. Sometimes the significant other doesn’t “get it”. Every now and then I will see a patient in the office who comes in with her spouse who is against the idea of having a procedure. The patients feels strongly about wanting to improve something and her husband doesn’t think she needs it.
It’s hard to understand why the person you love might want to change something about themselves when you look at them and love them just the way they are. Their reasons for wanting to make a change are usually deeply personal and may not make sense to anyone else. The most important reason for having a procedure is that it is very personally important to you, the patient. Once the procedure is done and you feel better about yourself, everyone else will understand how important this has been to you.
On my radio show, New Reflections, we recently did an episode about plastic surgery procedures changing people’s lives. On that show I interviewed a husband and wife about just this type of experience. I invite you to listen to the show and hear their perspective.
Why do you want to have plastic surgery? To make changes that are really important to you. People that care about you will see that and understand; sometimes it can take time.